Discovering Luxembourg 2020
If you decide to go shopping in Luxembourg, remember the majority of privately owned shops are closed on Monday mornings and open only after lunchtime, i.e., normal opening time on Monday would be from 14:00 to 18:00. It is common practice to close shops at 18:00, unless it is a large shopping mall, which usually closes at 20:00. On Fridays and Saturdays shops may close a bit later. Shops are typically closed on Sundays, with a few exceptional openings before Christmas or during sale season. These dates will be widely advertised in the media. Luxembourgers often shop in Trier, Germany and Metz, France, where prices tend to be lower. If you go to a supermarket, don’t forget to take shopping bags with you. You can still ask for bags at the check-out counter but they will cost extra. In certain shops and supermarkets there may be ticket machines where you will need to pull a ticket number and wait in line in order to be served. What to Buy Luxembourg makes a wide variety of unique food products that range from fine meats and cheeses to wine. Each product has its own special flavor which sets it apart from any other region in Europe. The most iconic brand in Luxembourg is Villeroy and Boche. This high-end porcelain and glassware can be found all over Luxembourg and is a must for those that collect or enjoy entertaining. Shopping Centers Luxembourg has many shopping centers within the city as well as at least one in each region. Every mall has its own set of unique stores as well as popular brand names for shopping and dining. In Luxembourg City, La Belle Etoile in Bertrange is the largest shopping center with 105 stores and restaurants. Grand Rue is also a popular place for shopping with an array of places to visit or window shop along one of Luxembourg City’s largest streets. Markets Weekly markets exist all over Luxembourg with fresh produce, specialty foods and even fresh flowers. Typically, a neighborhood will have a market one day a week making it easy for residents to visit and shop . Grocery Depending on your preferences and budget, there are many options for grocery shopping in Luxembourg. Auchan, Cactus, Cora, and Match are some of the larger grocery stores chains with a wide variety of products. There are also smaller budget stores such as Delhaize, Alima, and Aldi as well as traditional neighborhood grocers selling a small selection of items for convenience and ease.
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Discovering Luxembourg
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