Discovering Costa Rica
Internet and Wi-Fi + Grupo ICE: servicio@celera: Tel: 1115 + Tigo Star (previously Amnet): Main offices (from Pops in La Sabana Park, 400 meters west) + Cabletica: 2210.1450 Main offices (in front of the Nacional Stadium, La Sabana) + Cable Vision: 2545.1111 Oficinas centrales, Montelimar, Guadalupe. En el Mall El Dorado, local 4 contiguo al Banco Nacional + JAPI: (506) 800-000 5274 Paying for Cable and Internet Services Each of the cable and internet providers offers several options for making a payment from direct charge to a credit or debit card and direct debit from a bank account, to paying in-person at supermarkets, servimás, banks, and their respective main offices. Helpful Hint: It is very important to keep all paid bills for any claims to the cable or internet company. Also, if there is discrepancy with the charges you can request a review of the charges based on the amounts paid on previous months.
Newspapers + La Nación
+ La República + Diario Extra + El Financiero + Magazine and other newspapers are available all over the country Postal Service Public + Correos de Costa Rica, (506) 2288-0239
Private + Fedex: (800) 463-3339 + DHL: (506) 2209-6000 + Aerocasillas: (506) 2208-4848 + Webbox: (506) 2258-5034 + Jet Box: (506) 2353-8269
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