Discovering Costa Rica
Spouse’s Social Security Card To apply, the relocating employee completes and signs a form requesting to include their spouse into the Social Security System. One part of this form is with his/her personal information, and the other specifies his/her desire is to be included in the Social Security System through the benefits of the employee. The form must be completed and signed by the spouse. The spouse must present the following documents: a marriage certificate, and an original and copy of their residency card. Child’s Social Security Card Parents of the child must present documentation, one of which includes the original and a copy of the birth certificate (must be authenticated). The same birth certificate used to request the residency card can also be used for the social security card; however, it must be notarized by the lawyer in charge of this process. In the case that a child is legal age (18 years or older), parents must present certification that the child is currently enrolled in school. Depending on the policies of each Social Security Office, the card for the spouse and child could be given the same day, or within three days. Visas Part of moving to Costa Rica, like other countries, is applying for your visa. Your employer will inform you of which one to apply for. For more information, you can visit the embassy’s website to make sure you are applying for the right version for you. .
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Discovering Costa Rica
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