Damages and deposits
actual repair. For example, a leak that is left unreported may cause further damage such as mould in which case the Tenant would also be responsible for the removal of the mould. 8. Pet Damage Pet damage can be the highest non-negotiable claim. If the landlord has allowed you to bring a pet(s) with you and your pet(s) cause damage, you as a Tenant have a very limited chance of being able to negotiate the repair/ replacement costs. Should your pet(s) cause any damage it would be advisable to arrange and pay for the cost of repair before your departure as opposed to having to pay the Landlord’s costs, the sum of which you will have no control. Should you decide not to repair any damage caused by your pet(s) you will be responsible for the Landlord’s cost of repair. 9. Missing Items Throughout your tenancy it is generally understood that when a plate is broken, or a fork goes missing it is classed as ‘fair wear and tear’. However; anything above this would need to be replaced. Usually the majority of tenancies will state that you are responsible for replacing any missing or broken items with a ‘like for like’. We would advise that should you break or lose any items that you try and replace these with a similar article, you can check an items brand by checking the underside of the item in question, if the brand is not evident then check your inventory report which may list the brand. For items such as paintings, ornaments or items of high value it would be advisable to talk to your Landlord or their agents about the replacement before you replace the item in question. 10.Light Bulbs As a tenant you are responsible for the replacement of any light bulbs unless there is an electrical fault which would then become the Landlords responsibility. During your tenancy please ensure that you replace all light bulbs as and when required. Upon departure from your property you will also be required to replace any light bulbs that are no longer working. Should these not be replaced you will be charged for the replacement of these and you will probably also be charged for the fitting of these by a handyman. We cannot control these costs. Before replacement, ensure you have purchased the right wattage, using a higher wattage than required could result in an electrical failure. If you are unsure, remove the light bulb in question and take this to a DIY store. Normally you will have one of two light bulbs within your property (Bayonet or Screw Cap shown below). Some properties have spotlights which require specialist bulbs, to replace these remove the bulb and take this to a DIY store.
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