Adobe Intern Community Guide - Seattle
TRANSPORTATION Metro Transit provides transportation options for the Seattle area that includes busses, light rail, streetcars, trains, and water taxis that operate and connect throughout King County. Complete information can be found by clicking the link above, including fares, schedules, and parking. Trains Train/Link Light Rail are two trains that travel between UW Station and Angle Lake Station and the Tacoma link, that travels through downtown Tacoma. Buses Sound Transit is a public transit agency serving the Seattle metropolitan area, including bus travel between King, Pierce and Snohomish counties. Community Transit is the public bus service of Snohomish County but excludes the city of Everett. Ferries Washington State Ferries is a government agency that operates automobile and passenger ferry service in the Seattle area, as a part of the Washington State Department of Transportation. More information can be found at the link above. Commuter Alternatives The Commuter Alternatives Program helps you find inexpensive, stress-free and environmentally friendly ways to get to work. Some examples are listed below and may vary by your office location. - Up to $150 per month Commuter Checks for vanpools and transit systems. (Interns will be provided with a Commuter Check MasterCard with a Transit Value of $450 to be used during their internship.) - Secure bicycle parking - Emergency Ride Home Program - Shuttle van between Adobe campus and public transportation - Special rates for ZipCar membership - Adobe Yearly transit pass provided at no cost - After you start your Adobe internship, you will also have access to the Adobe Fond program, which gives U.S. Adobe employees exclusive preferred pricing on over 850 products, services and experiences, including rental cars.
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Seattle Community Guide
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