2022 Adobe Intern Community Guide - San Francisco


We are so excited you will be joining us soon. The Bay Area is an amazing and diverse community with tons of activities to do and places to see. There are so many perks to living in the heart of Silicon Valley – access to new people, culture, food and technology but with that comes the challenge of finding affordable housing. Rental home and apartment prices tend to be high in the Bay Area, so we recommend finding a roommate/housemate to split the cost of housing and utilities. Figure out where you want to live and get started on the search as early as you can. We have compiled some information together for you to help get you oriented with your internship location. We wish you luck in your housing search! WHAT TO KNOW ABOUT RENTING IN SAN FRANCISCO San Francisco, located in northern California, is the financial, cultural, and transportation center of the San Francisco Bay Area. It is the second-most densely populated city in the United States, after New York City. There is no multiple listing rental service and most city realtors do not handle rentals, so finding a rental property requires contacts and creativity. Craigslist is the most popular source for listings; however, the listed prices can sometimes rise considerably due to bidding wars among prospective tenants and the information is not always accurate. Property availability changes swiftly due to fast turnover in this very tight rental market. Although competition for properties has eased slightly since last year, tenants must still be prepared to make quick decisions and have funds, credit reports, references, and proof of employment readily available. SAN FRANCISCO AT A GLANCE CONSIDERATIONS FINDINGS COMMENTS Housing Availability Low Availability changes daily. Lowest vacancy during summer Tenant Paid Real Estate Fees Seldom If there is an agent fee, it is usually one to two months’ rent

Typical Lease Length

12 Months

Typical Security Deposit

1 to 2 Months

Cannot legally be more than three months’ rent

Early Termination Clauses


Due to tight rental market

Negotiation of Lease Terms


Extremely rare due to the tight rental market

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San Francisco Community Guide

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